I used to dream of living in a simple white house with a mango tree at the back.
I dreamed of wearing the cute white dress and releasing paper lanterns during our wedding.
I dreamed of having three wonderful kids, whom we’d share many thrilling adventures.
I dreamed of roaming around the world, trying interesting and famous food in each country.

I dreamed of holding your hand, walking under the afternoon sun in UP Diliman.
But I realized that even if some dreams are meant to be pursued, there are those that should remain as dreams. Dreams considered as mere illusions and creations of the mind, instead of objects of passion and aspirations.
In choosing to let these dreams stay as mere delusions and illusions, I find myself given a different path to take, other opportunities to pursue and more choices to consider.
I hope that in taking a different path opens broader, if not similar avenues for you to take. I wish you all the best in the path you wish to take, if you ever decide to take it.